Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Prologue...

This is a Prologue from Alex's final project. For those who don't know, the final project in Creative Writing is to create one of the following:
-a 10-15 page short story or beginning of a novel
-a collection of 10-15 poems
-a collection of 10-15 raps or songs (ie: around an album's length)
-a free-form essay of 10-15 pages
-a 10-15 page screenplay or script

Alex chose to write a 10-15 page short story, and completely blew me away with the quality of this prologue. Not only is the content dramatic, but her writing is amazing for an about-to-be sophomore. It is a little adult, but I try to encourage the kids to write about whatever is on their minds, so long as they do so eloquently. Without further ado, here is Alex's prologue:


"What's going on? I can't feel legs, and why does my head hurt?"
Oh my God, what is that beeping noise and why won't they stop it, I thought to myself. Maybe I can do it. Then I woke up, head still hurting and I stopped that cursed alarm clock. Once again it's time to go to work with those crazies. Man, why did I become a psychiatrist? I really wanted to help people, but I didn't know it was going to be like this. Every time I can't keep it “real,” I have to keep it “doctor.”

I finally got up out of bed and got in the shower. What's going on? Why does my head hurt so bad? For some reason I can't remember last night. This beautiful Saturday, and I have to go to work. I'm glad I only have one appointment today. I got out of the shower and dressed quickly because with each move I make my got damn head hurts. I'm eating breakfast and realized I was running late. I ran outside and got in my Charger with the license plates that read Phd21.

I arrived at work and my secretary hands me a very important message. It reads: "Call Ms. Johnson when you get the chance, her daughter attempted suicide!"

Wait, Ms. Johnson? Her daughter was my only client today. Oh no! What's going on? She was making so much progress. Why did she fall off like that? I told my secretary that my session was going to be at Ms. Johnson's house, and told her she can go when she's ready just make sure she locks up.

I get to the Johnson’s and Ashira, Ms. Johnson daughter, is freaking out and threatening anybody who comes near her and tries to take the gun from her. Ashira is a very pretty girl, 20 years old, and she is only like this because of her ex-boyfriend. He used to beat her and then say he loved her, would make love to her and buy her the things she wanted and she thought that was love. Then he left her and after that her world just crashed. She was in college and after he left her she just let go of everything and thought she had nothing else to live for. The more she came to me the more she seemed to be improving herself and I thought she was moving on. Well hell, I guess she thought she was, too. Otherwise she wouldn't be doing this! What the hell is she doing this for?

Then I came out of shock and told her to calm down, and slowly put the gun down and come talk to me. I don't want her to do this to herself. I told her, “People are here to help you through this, to show you love and to guide you all the way on the right path.” She put the gun down and came to me crying and talking off the walls. All I understood was:

"I saw a picture of us and I lost it."

I said "Aw okay, so you thought about what you and Mark had?"
She then whispered in my ear: “No, what me and you had last night."

After that, a flashback popped in my mind, but it was blurry. What was she talking about? Man she really did lose her mind.

“We are going to have to put you under surveillance because of your suicide attempt." I told her.

Her mother then pulled me to the side and said, “I want to live and I've done everything I could for that crazy ass child of mine."

Then there was a short pause and she said, "What I'm trying to say is, that girl has got to go. I don't care where she goes, a crazy home for all I care, but she has to go.”

Ashira and I then left the house and she cried even harder and said, "I really mess- I really messed up. My own mother doesn't want me anymore, everyone I have loved and lived for, they've left me, there’s something wrong with me. I don't know how to live now." Then all of a sudden, she tries to jump out of the car while we’re driving down the highway! What she didn’t know is I made her ride in the back because of the child lock. I know the girl, and she is a little messed up in the head. I shouldn't think this way about my patients. Something had come to my mind when I first met her. I felt like I already knew her, but did I?


  1. Real INTRIGUE! What a blast of HEAT on this blog! Alex, this is wonderful. I can't wait to learn more about how the protagonist lost her memory, the true nature of the relationship, and who is REALLY the crazy one in this story.

  2. Good start. I am eager to see it fleshed out.
